On the fourth Sunday of September our Church offers prayers for our sister organization, the Polish National Union of America. Our Church under the direction of Bishop Hodur organized the PNU in 1908 when members of our Church were denied insurance coverage because they were in the PNCC. Over the years the PNU has contributed millions of dollars for our PNCC and her many programs and endeavors. Did you know that our General Synod passed the following resolution: “It shall be the moral obligation of the clergy and the laity of the PNCC to belong to the Polish National Union of America†(PNCC Constitution, page 65)?
Today the PNU needs the support of all PNCC members to continue the excellent fraternal benefits they have been providing for more than a century. For additional information on the life insurance and annuity products offered by the PNU please call them at (800) 724-6352 or visit their website.