Wigilijny Opłatek – Christmas Wafers: are available in Church (table at vestibule), in Rectory, or Church Hall as well as by mail. Donation: $3.
Polish Christmas Open House: Saturday, December 11th from 11am till 2:30 pm at the Polish Cultural Center, 308 Walnut St. Philadelphia -– Great fun for children. Everyone is welcomed to enjoy this wonderful event. For more information call or see Father.
Decorating of the Parish: The church is going to be decorated after the 9:30am Holy Mass on Sunday, December 19th. Please, support & help us in these events.
Candle Light Service & Sacrament of Penance, Vigilia Dinner with “Opłatek:†Sunday, December 19th. Service at 4pm followed by dinner at about 5:30pm. Santa is coming to our children and youth.
Solemnity of Nativity of our Lord – Christmas and Christmas Season Holy Masses:
“Pasterka†Shepherd Mass will be celebrated the 24th/25th of December at Midnight.
Holy Mass on Christmas Day will be celebrated in the morning 9:30am.
Feast of St. Stephen, Protomartyr will be observed on Sunday, December 26th with Holy Mass at 8am (Polish) and 9:30am (English)
Solemnity of the Circumcision of our Lord will be celebrated on Saturday, January 1st, 2011 at 9:30am.
An Advent and Christmas message from Fr. Krzysztof:
Dear parishioners and sympathizers of St. Valentine’s Church!
We are one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone. With us is Jesus Christ who was, who is and who will come again. For the four full weeks of Advent we are waiting for the arrival of the holy season – Christmas. What is the reason of this Holiday Season? The reason of the Christmas season is Jesus, the true Son of God!
At this time the commercial world hypes Christmas for weeks, seeing only for business and good deal with customers. How should we as Christians should look at Christmas Season?
We should remember that Christmas is the special day of Birth of Jesus, who as a Son of God became Man giving us salvation. Our attitude to Christmas has to be different than the commercial world offers us.
If we are believers in Christ we can’t avoid Church, neglect prayer and good deeds for our neighbors, especially at this Season that God is giving us His only Son for our Salvation. Our first task as followers of Christ is to love God and our neighbors, to be witness of Love of God in this World. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
Who is Christian who doesn’t celebrate the Day of Birth of Jesus in Church?
It is simple, if you have your birthday you want to have your family, relatives, friends, neighbors with you on this special day, isn’t it? How you should feel on the day of your birthday alone or without your loved ones? They could say: sorry, we can’t come to you to celebrate your birthday we will do this being at stores, at our homes, at diner, restaurant, cinema…..
Why do many Christians celebrate the Day of Birth of Jesus outside the Church?
Because some of them have buried the true sense of Christmas. It is easer for them to focus on the commercial things such as Santa, Christmas gifts, Christmas dinner, Christmas shopping, Christmas Tree, etc. But we know the Church is the Holy Ground, where Jesus is present, where Jesus is born, where Jesus is waiting for us to give us true values of Life: HOPE, PEACE, JOY & LOVE!
These values when properly observed lead to a greater spiritual celebration on Christmas Day. You will not want to miss one Sunday Holy Mass and celebration!
I offer the following four suggestions for all of us:
First, commit to be present in worship during this season (make Holy Mass a priority for you and your family).
Second, spend some time each day reading Bible and devotion; you can also make your Advent wreath and lit the candles.
Third, be thoughtful and deliberate in your prayer (ask God to enlighten your heart and mind to hear from God and give thanks for all God’s blessings).
Fourth, plan each day of this Season to do something kind to help someone less fortunate than yourself (you will discover the great joy that comes from giving in the name of the Christ and it can be a lot of fun too).
I am praying for God to do a special work among us this Holiday Season. It is a time to celebrate, have fun and share together, but it is also a sacred time – a time to prepare, to make our lives ready to receive all that Jesus has for us.
Christmas Joy and Peace to all!
The Rev. Father Krzysztof M. Mendelewski, Pastor
and the Parish Committee of
St. Valentine’s Parish
cordially invite you to the
One Hundredth Anniversary Celebration Mass
in St. Valentine’s Church
2330 Margaret Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sunday, September Twenty Sixth
two thousand and ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
and to the
One Hundredth Anniversary Banquet
at Regency Caterers
2378 Orthodox Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
at four : thirty o’clock in the afternoon
Tyle lat my Ci o Panie,
służbę wierną wypełniali,
szli ku słońcu w świt zaranie,
łańcuch niewoli targali,
łańcuch niewoli targali.
O bodajem wierni byli,
o bodajem ten sztandar święty
aż do zgonu naszej chwili
w duszy w sercu był rozpięty,
w duszy w sercu był rozpięty.
Philadelphia, PA, September 26, 2010
Dear Sisters and Brothers!
As we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of St. Valentine’s Parish, we offer our prayers of thanksgiving to Almighty God for the many blessings our Parish has received. We are grateful for the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, as it has been taught and preserved in the Polish National Catholic Church, for our founder, Bishop Francis Hodur, for our parents and grandparents who followed him in seeking a more abundant spiritual life and organized our Parish, and for the dedication of many priests, parish organizations, and parishioners who have constantly labored for God’s glory and for the good of people through our Church.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the priests, and the faithful of St. Valentine’s Parish have been strengthened to live the Christian life, follow the will of God, and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Polish Heritage to others for 100 years. Today, our Savior continues to bless us and call us to give witness of his love to those who are mostly in need. Our Patron St. Valentine’s, patron of Love is praying for us and teaching us true unconditional Love without selfishness. The Love who is God Himself.
On this solemn occasion, I extend words of gratitude for yours and your ancestors dedication, untiring work, generosity, and loyalty to St. Valentine’s Parish, and the whole Church. May this 100th Jubilee be a moment for renewal of our faith and devotion! May the deeds of our predecessors prompt us to sustain faithfully our rich Christian and Polish Heritage! May the Holy Spirit, who filled Blessed Virgin Mary and She conceived the Son of God our Lord Jesus Christ, enlighten all of us that we keep fulfilling His will in our lives!
St. Valentine’s will hold its annual Holiday Bazaar at the St. Valentine’s Parish Hall, 2330 Margaret St., Philadelphia, PA on Saturday, November 7th (9 AM – 4 PM) and Sunday, November 8th (10:30 AM – 2 PM).
The Holiday Bazaar features crafts, Christmas gifts, a flea market, raffles, and games. We are serving home made Polish Food including: piergi, gołąbki, kiełabsy, kapusta and cake. We will also have hot dogs and hamburgers available. You may eat-in or order for take-out.
For more information please call us at 215-535-4978.
Everyone is welcome at St. Valentine’s!
Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky visited St. Valentine’s Parish on Sunday, September 27, 2009 to administer Confirmation, the completion of the Sacramental journey our confirmands began in Baptism. We also express our thanks to the Rev. Frederick Mechowski of Our Savior Parish in Lawrenceville, NJ who joined us on this special day.
St. Valentines is holding its annual Polish Picnic on Sunday, September 13, 2009 at Pulaski Park in Andalusia, 875 Mill Road, Bensalem, PA 19020.
Holy Mass will be held in the Parish Cemetery at Noon. The picnic begins at 1pm. Admission $5.00, Children 12 and under are free. We will have music for your dancing and listening pleasure. Food & beverages will be available as well. For more information please call 215-632-1816.
Enter through the driveway that leads to both Pulaski Park and the Cemetery.