This October – Celebrating Polish American Heritage Month and all American Workers

This October we will celebrate Polish American Heritage Month – A national celebration of Polish history, culture and pride in cooperation with the Polish American Congress and Polonia across America


Since 1608, when the first Polish settlers arrived at Jamestown, VA, Polish people have been an important part of America’s history and culture. In 2013, Polish Americans will mark the 32nd Anniversary of the founding of Polish American Heritage Month, an event, which began in Philadelphia, PA, and became a national celebration of Polish history, culture and pride.

During 2013, Poles will also mark the 405th Anniversary of the First Polish Settlers who were among the first skilled workers in America. We, therefore, will take this opportunity to salute all American workers and urge people to purchase the products and services offered by American workers. Polish Americans will also mark the 234th Anniversary of the death of General Casimir Pulaski, Father of the American Cavalry.

Information about ways to celebrate Polish American Heritage Month can be obtained by visiting the Polish American Heritage Month Committee’s website. You will find a list of “Things To Do During Polish American Heritage Month”, the 2013 coloring contest artwork for schools, and Heritage Month posters that can be downloaded and printed. Copies of the coloring contest artwork can also be obtained by calling the Heritage Month Committee, Monday through Friday between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. at 215-922-1700.

For additional information about these historic events and Polish and Polish American history, visit the Polish American Cultural Center Museum website.

This October – Celebrating Polish American Heritage Month and all American Workers Read More »

Bishop Bernard’s Visit and Thank You


Last Sunday, July 7th, we had the pleasure of our Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki visiting with us. Bishop Bernard celebrated a very uplifting and beautiful Holy Mass. His homily and and his spiritual manner were refreshing and hopeful.

After Holy Mass, Bishop Bernard shared a light brunch with us and took the time to express his feelings and extend his gratitude for all our hard work and accomplishments.

The Bishop plans to visit us again in near future. We look forward to next visit.

This week we received a beautiful note from Bishop Bernard:

Dear Kris and Parishioners of St. Valentine’s Parish,

I just today received your generous gift for last week’s visit. It was mailed to the national Church Center where the Prime Bishop is located. He had it mailed to me here at the residence,

Thank you for your kindness and all the good work all of you are accomplishing and planning for God’s kingdom and our beloved Church.

Bishop Bernard


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Family reunion includes faith heritage

Mr. Anthony Trzaska along with his cousin Antoinette Chwastyk Wills have been planning a large 3 day family reunion for over a year. The reunion will take place from June 14th through 16th. This reunion involves the Szczepanski, Sawicz, Chwastyk, and Trzaska families, all of which are interconnected and whose roots are in St. Valentine’s Polish National Catholic Church since it was founded in 1912.

During the afternoon of Saturday, June 15th the families will gather to visit the graves of family members interred in St. Valentine’s cemetery. Mr. Trzaska notes, “Many family are traveling great distances for this reunion and have never had an opportunity to visit these graves.”

Mr. Trzaska will be stationed at the cemetery for several hours to help guide people. He will have marked the graves with a single balloon for ease of locating family members’ resting places.

We invite all family members to visit the Church as well for Holy Mass on Sunday at 11:30am. May God bless your family gathering and protect you in your travels.

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Happy Polish Constitution Day

On May 3rd Poland, and members of Polonia worldwide celebrate Polish Constitution Day. This day is also a day of celebration for all who believe in the principals of democracy, a pluralistic society, and the heritage and life of our democratic Church.


The annual commemoration of Polish Constitution Day commemorates the spiritual and moral renovation of the Polish nation, after a period of stagnation caused by foreign influences under the Saxon kings. This day has become a proud and integral part of the civic and patriotic activities for Poles and those of Polish descent in many cities throughout the world.

To the Poles and their descendants May 3rd is a national holiday for it bestows upon the Pole a priceless heritage of humanitarianism, tolerance and a democratic precept conceived at a time when most of Europe lived under the existence of unconditional power and tyranny exemplified by Prussia and Russia.

Poland’s parliamentary system actually began at the turn of the 15th century, but a series of defensive wars, internal stresses, outside influences, widespread permissiveness and excessive concern for the rights of dissent brought Poland to the brink of disaster and anarchy in the 18th Century. Urgently needed reforms became imperative.

The May 3rd, 1791 Constitution was the first liberal constitution in Europe and second in the world, after the Constitution of the United States.

Following the American pattern it established three independent branches of government – executive, legislative and judiciary. Throughout the constitution runs philosophy of humanitarianism and tolerance, such as perfect and entire liberty to all people, rule by majority, secret ballot at all elections, religious freedom and liberty.

The constitution curtailed the executive power of the King and State Council. It forbade them to contract public debts, to declare war, to conclude definitely any treaty, or any diplomatic act. It only allowed the Executive Branch to carry on negotiations with foreign courts, always with reference to the Diet (Parliament).

In terms of democratic precepts, the May 3rd Constitution is a landmark event in the history of Central and Eastern Europe.

The Polish Constitution was deemed too dangerous by the tyranny of absolutism still rampant in Europe. Thus Russia, Prussia and Austria decided to wipe out “the Polish cancer of freedom” from the face of the earth. In 1795 partitioned Poland ceased to exist as a state and in terms of national life, she lost the entire 19th Century, being reborn in 1918 at the conclusion of World War I.

You can read more at Wikipedia or the Polish American Cultural Center.

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Parish Committee Meeting notice

Dear parishioners and friends,

Our next Parish Committee meeting will be held in the church hall on Sunday, April 7th. The meeting will start at 9:30 AM. The proposed agenda is below. If someone would like to add items to the agenda please let us know.


  1. Chairman calls meeting to order
  2. Pastor leads opening prayer
  3. Recording Secretary reads minutes
  4. Treasure’s financial report
  5. Additions to agenda
  6. New Business:
    1. Steeple – execution on existing contract
    2. Schedule of events for 2013
    3. Schedule of fundraisers for 2013
    4. Advertising and promoting our events
    5. Schedule of church upkeep and maintenance
    6. Estimate for chimes repair
    7. Schedule of church hall upper floor cleanout
    8. Schedule of Rectory house upkeep
    9. Schedule of cemetery upkeep and improvements
    10. Estimate for church window repairs
    11. Plant new trees at cemetery
    12. Preparation of Pulaski Park for the Bensalem Memorial Day Parade, May 27, 2013
  7. Closing Prayer

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Holy Week and Easter in Philadephia

Palm Sunday, March 24th

9 AM – Procession With Palms & Holy Mass

Maundy Thursday, March 28th

3 PM – Holy Mass Of The Lord’s Supper & Transfer Of The Blessed Sacrament

Good Friday, March 29th

7 PM – Liturgy Of The Passion & Death Of Our Lord

Holy Saturday, March 30th

Noon – Holy Saturday Liturgies and Blessing of Easter Food

Easter Sunday, March 31st

9 AM – Resurrection Procession & Holy Mass

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Annual Parish Meeting

Dear Parishioners, Friends of St. Valentine’s Parish,

After consultation with Fr. Mikula and our auditors, our annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 3rd following 10:45 AM Holy Mass.

In order to vote, an individual must be at least 18 years old and must be an official member of St. Valentine’s Parish, paid up and current with dues. Each member attending the meeting should check their name off the parish list before entering the hall.

All Parishioners are expected to attend, and friends of the Parish as well as non-members are welcome.

Annual Meeting Schedule

I.) Opening Prayer
II.) Reading of the Minutes from the Last Meeting
III.) Reports
    A.) Pastor’s Report
    B.) Chairman’s Report
    C.) Financial Report
    D.) Auditors Report
IV.) Dismissal of the Current Parish Committee
V.) Nominations of Officers and Election
VI.) Old Business
    A.) Pavilion Progress
VII.) New Business
VIII.) Closing Prayer

Commissioning of the new Parish Committee takes place on a designated Sunday at Holy Mass following acceptance of the Committee by the Bishop.

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