St. Valentine’s Polish Cemetery seriously damaged by Wednesday’s storms

Wednesday’s derecho, a very rare kind of storm over Philadelphia seriously damaged St. Valentine’s Polish Cemetery located 875 Mill Rd, Bensalem, PA.

Many tombstones and monuments are damaged by fallen trees and branches. Some trees are even uprooted.

On Thursday morning, our cemetery maintenance and myself, will start to remove whatever we can. However, other storms are coming on Thursday and Friday. Therefore, Saturday will be a good day to start cleaning work at 9:00 AM.

I humbly ask my Parishioners and Friends, but especially Polish people of Philadelphia and neighborhood to help us to clean after storm this over 100 years old Polish cemetery. St. Valentine’s Polish Parish cannot afford professional tree service. Our insurance coverage is very basic and can’t be applied neither. In majority, my parishioners are in older age, therefore I’m asking for help Polish people from other parishes.

If you can help us, please come on Saturday. Every pair of hands is precious. However, please remember to protect your hands with some gloves, to have long sleeves and spray your open body parts with some fat cream, body oil or sunscreen as a protection from poison ivy which can be there.

If you can take with you some heavy-duty equipment, like chainsaw, axes etc. or tractor, that would be great. All kind of help will be much appreciated.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 215-535-4978 or email me at

Fr. Mariusz Mularczyk, Pastor

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Środowe dwie nawałnice nad Filadelfią znacznie zniszczyły Polski Cmentarz Św. Walentego przy 875 Mill Rd w Bensalem, PA.

Wiele nagrobków i pomników zostało zniszczonych przez powalone drzewa i gałęzie, Niektóre drzewa zostały wyrwane z korzeniami.

W czwartek rano, razem moim pracownikiem cmentarza bierzemy się do roboty i postaramy się udrożnić drogę i usunąć co się da. Niestety zapowiadane są kolejne burze na czwartek i piątek. Dlatego sobota będzie dobrym dniem na sprzątanie cmentarza, zaczynając o 9:00 rano.

Pokornie proszę moich Parafian i Przyjaciół, a zwłaszcza Polonię z Filadelfii i okolic, aby nam pomóc posprzątać po burzy ten ponad 100-letni polski cmentarz.

Polskiej Parafii Św. Walentego nie stać na wynajęcie profesjonalnego serwisu. A nasze ubezpieczenie jest jedynie podstawowe i nie pokrywa tego rodzaju strat. Moi parafianie to w większości ludzie w podeszłym wieku, dlatego zwracam się z apelem o pomoc do Polaków z innych parafii.

Jeśli możecie nam pomóc, proszę, przyjdźcie w sobotę. Każda para rąk jest cenna. Ale pamiętajcie, proszę, chronić swoje ręce. Weźcie ze sobą rękawice. Koniecznie długie rękawy, a odkryte części ciała posmarujcie tłustym kremem, olejkiem lub nawet sprejem przeciwsłonecznym. Na powalonych konarach i drzewach może być poison ivy.

Jeśli możecie weźcie ze sobą jakieś narzędzia, piły łańcuchowe, siekiery itd. A może ktoś z was ma traktor? Byłoby wspaniale. Za wszelką okazaną pomoc będę ogromnie wdzięczny.

JeÅ›li macie pytania, dzwoÅ„cie do mnie pod 215-535-4978 lub piszcie

Ks. Mariusz Mularczyk, Proboszcz

St. Valentine’s Polish Cemetery seriously damaged by Wednesday’s storms Read More »


Polska parafia św. Walentego, z myślą o Polakach, dołączyła do programu miasta Philadelphia wspomagającego mieszkańców w czasie pandemii COVID-19.

W każdą środę rozdajemy kilka ton świeżych owoców i warzyw dla naszych parafian, ludzi z sąsiedztwa i Polaków z Filadelfii i okolic.

Poinformujcie innych, zwłaszcza Polaków o możliwości otrzymania co tydzień pudełka warzyw i owoców. Zawartość pudełka powinna wystarczyć na tydzień dla rodziny.

Przysługuje jedno pudełko na rodzinę, ale jeśli potrzebujesz, żeby wziąć więcej dla krewnych, przyjaciół czy sąsiadów, nie wstydź się poprosić.

Każdy się kwalifikuje bez względu na status społeczny i finansowy. Nie stawiamy pytań i wymagań. Weź jednak tyle, aby użyć przez tydzień, według własnego sumienia.

Nie ma się czego wstydzić, nie trzeba być koniecznie biednym, bezrobotnym itd. aby skorzystać z darowizny. To są dary Boże, które nie powinny marnować się w śmietniku.

Przy odbiorze zachowaj wszystkie wymagane przez prawo zasady bezpieczeństwa, tzn. maseczki, rękawiczki i odstęp między osobami są obowiązkowe.

Potrzebna nam pomoc woluntariuszy, zwłaszcza przy rozpakowaniu ciężarówki rano o 8:30.

Adres kościoła: 2330 Margaret Street, Philadelphia, PA 19137. Dystrybucja paczek odbywa się za rogiem kościoła przy wejściu do sali parafialnej przy Melrose Street.

Godziny dystrybucji: Środa, 10:00 – 12:00 oraz Środa, 19:00 – 20:00 dla tych, którzy nie mogą przyjechać rano. W tym drugim wypadku konieczna jest rezerwacja ilości paczek; telefoniczna 215-535-4978 (zostaw wiadomość głosową, nie SMS) lub email Nie przyjmujemy rezerwacji przez Facebook.

Odbiór zamówionych paczek tylko w Środę w godzinach dystrybucji. Niemożliwy w innych dniach i godzinach.

Pobierz broszurÄ™



St. Valentine’s Parish participates now in the Share Food Program, nourishing program run by the City of Philadelphia to help people during pandemic COVID-19.

Each Wednesday we distribute few tons of fresh fruits and vegetables to our parishioners, people from our neighborhood and Polish people from all over.

Please spread the word and share the news on your social media.

Generally, it should be one box per household, but if you need more, or to get additional boxes for your friends, relatives or neighbors, please do not hesitate to ask. Everyone is eligible. No questions asked. 

Please practice all COVID-19 required rules. Face masks, gloves and 6 ft social distance are mandatory.

Also, volunteers are welcome, mostly at 8:30 AM to unload the delivery truck.

Distribution takes place at the door of our church hall on Melrose Street.

Distribution time: Wednesdays, 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon and Wednesdays, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM for those who cannot come in the morning. For the evening distribution please make a reservation by phone 215-535-4978 (leave a message) or email us at and tell us how many boxes you need to hold for you. Please don’t make reservations via Facebook.

There will be no other days and times available for picking up your order other than listed above.

Download a brochure


Holy Week and Easter schedule at St. Valentine’s

Beginning April 5th, 2020 Zoom app requires password automatically added to each streaming. The best way to join streaming is to click on the link in each email with the invitation sent to you, or to click on the link on our web page. Then you don’t need to manually add any password nor meeting ID. However, if you prefer to enter manually the meeting ID and password in your Zoom app on any device, you can still do it, remembering that meeting ID and password are always the same for each streaming from Saint Valentine’s in Philadelphia or Our Saviour in Lawrenceville. Just in time of liturgy, according to our schedule, join the meeting clicking on the link in the email or on our website or enter the credentials manually.

Sunday, April 5, 2020 – Palm Sunday

9:30 AM           Holy Mass with blessing of palms (televised – streaming online via Zoom app)

For God’s blessing, good health and safety for all Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors of St. Valentine’s Parish

Thursday, April 9, 2020 – Holy Thursday

7:00 PM – The Lord’s Supper Mass, The Institution of the Eucharist and Priesthood (televised – streaming online via Zoom app)

Friday, April 10, 2020 – Good Friday

6:30 PM – Stations of the Cross (televised – streaming online via Zoom app)

7:00 PM – Liturgy of our Lord’s Passion, Veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion, the symbolic Entombment (televised – streaming online via Zoom app)

Saturday, April 11, 2020 – Holy Saturday

12:00 Noon – Blessing of Easter Baskets (televised – streaming online via Zoom app)

7:00 PM – Easter Vigil Liturgy, Mass with Blessing of Fire, Paschal Candle and Baptismal Water (televised – streaming online via Zoom app)

Sunday, April 12, 2020 – Easter Sunday

9:30 AM – Resurrection Mass (televised – streaming online via Zoom app)

For all our deceased relatives

Holy Week and Easter schedule at St. Valentine’s Read More »

Holy Mass at St. Valentine’s PNCC Philadelphia online streaming Sunday, March 22, 9:30 AM

On Friday night we had our first online streaming. It was very successful. Therefore, we can stream all our Sunday Masses the same way. Just please read carefully the following instructions. 

All you have to do is:
1. To download to your computer (Windows or Mac) or to your smartphone (Apple or Android) the app called Zoom, or just to open the webpage and click on Join a Meeting. Then follow the instruction on the screen. 

2. You can set up your account but it’s not necessary. All Parish Committee Members are obliged to set the account because we will be using this for all our meetings. 

3. For each Sunday Mass streaming you will receive an email with an invitation and credentials. (If you are on our mailing list) Also you can click the link on our parish website. 

4. Click the link and join the meeting. If password is required, please type the password. You can find password in the email with invitation. Password is to prevent intruders and jokers who can attend this streaming and make some inappropriate comments.

5. IMPORTANT!Make sure to mute your microphone and disconnect your video to let the streaming go smooth. If you leave your microphone on, we all will hear you and this will for sure interfere the liturgy. In this case you will be banned and disconnected. In the future we can change this rule, so you all can participate by answering and interacting, like you normally do in the church.

6. Just in case you are disconnected click one more time the link in this email or type the Meeting ID and password.

You can share the link with others. We are limited to 100 attendees.  Please share with me the emails of others who want to receive an invitation for each Sunday Mass streaming.

Younger Parishioners and those who are tech savvy please remotely help our elders to set their computers or smartphones in order to watch my streamings.
All, please make sure that people will know about this new form of liturgy in our parish. If our older parishioners cannot make their devices ready, they can asked their children or grandchildren to help them.
Sunday’s broadcast will be for the first time. Please treat it as a test, like Friday’s Stations broadcast.  I cannot guarantee the smooth streaming because the Internet and Zoom app are overloaded recently. If something goes wrong please be patient. We all have to learn now some new forms of communication and some new forms of worshipping too. 
If this app won’t work for us we will find something else. My point is, I am with you, and we will go through this difficult time together. You are good people and you deserved to have a Holy Mass on Sunday offered for you and your Families and you have to be assured that your priest in your church prays for you. After the Mass is over we can unmute our microphones and talk to each other. Please feel free to make your comments via email.

Holy Mass at St. Valentine’s PNCC Philadelphia online streaming Sunday, March 22, 9:30 AM Read More »


O Jesus Christ, my Savior and healer, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love.

Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care. Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors from helping one another.

Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow. Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace.

Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May they know your peace.

Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help, who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace.

Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve.

Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions. May they know your peace, as they work together to achieve it on earth.

Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many people suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace. Jesus Christ, heal us. Amen.



  • The church will be open for Sunday Mass as long as the government authorities will limit public gatherings.
  • Please don’t sit together in groups in the pews, rather please keep yourself separated from each other.
  • Please keep distance from other parishioners when you receive the Holy Communion.
  • No handshaking, kissing and hugging as a peace sign during Mass. Instead, a wave, a peace sign ‘V’, a smile can be substituted.  
  • Greeting the clergy with a handshake at the doors after Mass will no longer take place. 
  • Coughing and sneezing into your elbow and arm instead of uncovered into the air around you will be appreciated by everyone and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Parishioners who are exhibiting flu-like symptoms should remain at home from Mass until they are fully recovered from their illness.
  • The clergy will continue to wash their hands before Mass as they always do. Additionally, they will use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after distributing communion.
  • We will observe these precautions as long as necessary.



I continue working on the rectory basement. All infected by black mold wall panels and framing had been removed already. The walls were sprayed with Clorox and mold control solution which eliminates the stench, then painted twice with drylok making the original foundations and walls waterproofed. Patrik helped me to replace partially and seal the sewage pipe. Thank you, Patrik.

Now I rebuild the framing and walls. There is still a new basement window needed and some air vents to make the basement ventilated and dry.



Thank you Leon for sponsoring the trees cutting at St. Valentine’s Cemetery. Two crews were working two days on this project last week.

Many tombstones were at risk of damage during storms and windy days, therefore Leon decided to prevent it and hired professionals to save people and graves from this danger. Leon, may God bless you for your generosity. Thank you that you really care.


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